The Thirdmill staff (about 65 people) is going through the Thirdmill curriculum as students. We break into small groups and go through one course at a time. We are currently studying the course on Pentateuch. I write the application guides for these classes and I also co-lead one of the small groups.
Pray for Camilo. He is a young man I have been discipling who lives in Colombia. He recently left a ministry he was involved in and is seeking the Lord's will for his future. He and his wife have been involved in evangelistic outreach and would love to continue if possible.
Pray for the seminary in Paraguay that is using the Thirdmill curriculum as the primary basis for their program. Pray especially for David, one of the leaders.
Pray for Civitas Dei, a group in Peru that recently partnered with us to use our materials for training.
Give thanks to the Lord for the huge network of users the Lord has given us: 90 million users in 193 countries. That's quite incredible. What a great way to influence the growth of the kingdom!
Pray for the group in Cartagena, Colombia, that is using Thirdmill materials to train local leaders.
Beginning in 2025 I am reducing my ministry at Thirdmill to half-time. I'm doing this for two reasons: not enough funding is coming in, and I'm almost 71 and am moving toward retirement.
Pray for a group in Argentina that is using Thirdmill as the basis of their theological training.
Pray for the new Thirdmill Institute group (Spanish speakers) that began in December. It's based in San Antonio, Texas.
I will be speaking at a mission conference in Chattanooga on March 2.